Writing Documentation Comments

PasDoc extracts documentation from the comments that you place in your source code (and from external files if you use the --description option). Basically, you just place a description of each item in the comment right before this item’s declaration. See WhereToPlaceComments for more explanation where to place comments. This page describes special syntax features available in documentation comments.

Expanding @-tags


Like in HTML or LaTeX, amount of whitespace you put between words (spaces , tabs, newlines) does not matter. In all output formats text will be automatically broken into lines basing on things like web browser window width (e.g. in case of browsing html output in web browser) or page width (e.g. in case of pdf or ps files generated from latex file). E.g. following two documentation comments are equivalent:

{ This
  documentation          for           my             class
  with a lot of silly whitespace. }
TMyClass = class

and :

{ This is documentation for my class with a lot of silly whitespace. }
TMyClass = class


Like in LaTeX: The only exception to the rule above is that an empty line (i.e. newline + some whitespace + newline) means "start new paragraph". More than one empty lines in a row are equivalent to one empty line (in other words, you can’t make the gap between two paragraphs larger by inserting more empty lines between them).


{ 1st paragraph.

  2nd paragraph. }
TMyClass = class

Automatic recognition of URLs

Pasdoc automatically recognizes URLs (like https://pasdoc.github.io/ ) in your comments and appropriately presents them in the output format, so that user reading generated documentation is able to easily navigate to given URL. E.g. in case of HtmlOutput URLs will be converted to links <a href="…​">…​</a>. In case of LatexOutput URLs will be presented with \html command.


Three consecutive dashes, ---, in your comment produce em dash (a long dash used to separate sentence parts — like this). Two consecutive dashes, --, produce en dash (a medium dash used to separate ranges, like 10–20). A single dash character produces just a short dash (good for compound words, like in "variable-width font"). This is similar to LaTeX and Texinfo syntax (but of course it’s supported for all pasdoc output formats, including HTML).

You can always write @- to force inserting a short dash. E.g. if you write @-@- then you will get just two consecutive short dashes in the output (instead of an en dash that would be generated for --). Actually, you can just write @-- (because this way you force the first dash to just produce the short dash in the output, and so the 2nd dash is a "single dash", so it will also produce a short dash).

Help Insight comments

PasDoc also recognizes Help Insight comments, that start with three slashes and use HTML-like tags. See http://delphi.wikia.com/wiki/Help_insight. An example straight from that page:

/// <summary>parses the commandline</summary>
/// <param name="CmdLine"> is a string giving the commandline.
/// NOTE: Do not pass System.CmdLine since it contains the
/// program's name as the first "parameter".
/// If you want to parse the commandline as passed by
/// windows, call the overloaded Parse method without
/// parameters. It handles this.</param>
procedure Parse(const _CmdLine: string);

Items without documentation

Even undocumented items (not annotated with any comment) are visible in the output. Here’s why:

  • Even if there’s no description for some item (maybe the name is so obvious it doesn’t require a description), the documentation should still show that the identifier exists. If you want to really exclude some (internal) item you can use the @exclude tag.

  • We want to show undocumented identifiers, since you can link to them from other item’s using the @link tag.