Matching @-tags parameters

When you surround @-tags parameters in parentheses, then the end of the parameters is understood to be at the matching closing parenthesis. For example the following will be interpreted by pasdoc as you expect:

{ Call this procedure as Foo(1, 'some_string').
  @italic(This is an italic text.)
  @italic( @code(This is a code text (that is also italic).) ) }
procedure Foo(A: Integer; const S: string);

In the example above

  • some parentheses are used to indicate where @bold and @code parameters begin and end,

  • and some parentheses (around "(1, 'some_string')" and "(that is also italic)") are normal parentheses and will be simply copied to the output documentation.

@( and @) constructs

So basically things just work as expected, and you don’t have to worry about this. However, there are rare situations when you would really like to write unmatched parentheses in the output. Consider the following example:

{ @italic(This procedure writes the ) character.) }
procedure WriteClosingParenthesis;

This example does not work as expected, because the first closing parenthesis indicates the end of @italic tag. So this example generates italic text "This procedure writes the" and then the normal text "character.)" in the output. To fix this example, you can use @) pasdoc construct, to explicitly indicate that the first closing parenthesis is not matched with any preceeding opening parenthesis and it should just produce closing parenthesis in the pasdoc output. So the fixed version of example above is

{ @italic(This procedure writes the @) character.) }
procedure WriteClosingParenthesis;