@preformatted tag

@preformatted tag is the analogy of HTML <pre> tag. Text inside @preformatted tag will be copied to documentation, preserving all whitespaces and newlines and using fixed-width font.

This means that usual rules of pasdoc do not apply within @preformatted. Within @preformatted tag amount of whitespace does matter, empty line is not converted to new paragraph, @-tags are not expanded etc.


{ This unit exists for the glory of the Empire.

     ________________.  ___     .______
     /                | /   \    |   _  \
    |   (-----|  |----`/  ^  \   |  |_>  |
     \   \    |  |    /  /_\  \  |      /
.----->   |   |  |   /  _____  \ |  |\  \-------.
|________/    |__|  /__/     \__\| _| `.________|
 ____    __    ____  ___     .______    ________.
 \   \  /  \  /   / /   \    |   _  \  /        |
  \   \/    \/   / /  ^  \   |  |_>  ||   (-----`
   \            / /  /_\  \  |      /  \   \
    \    /\    / /  _____  \ |  |\  \--->   |
     \__/  \__/ /__/     \__\|__| `._______/

  (Based on http://www.chris.com/ascii/index.html ). }
unit StarWars;