Lists: @orderedList, @unorderedList, @definitionList, @item, @itemLabel, @itemSpacing, @itemSetNumber

Ordered and unordered lists

You can use tags @orderedList and @unorderedList to create ordered and unordered lists. Parameter of these tags should consist solely of @item tags. No other @-tag (or any other "normal" text) is allowed inside @orderedList and @unorderedList except @itemLabel, @itemSpacing, and @itemSetNumber. Any number of @item tags, including zero, is allowed in a list.

Each @item tag creates one list item. Inside @item tags other @-tags are allowed, and all other pasdoc features (like paragraphs) work. In particular, you can use @orderedList and @unorderedList tags within @item tag, thus creating nested lists. Nested lists may be of any depth, but you should be aware that some output formats like LatexOutput have their own constrains on maximum nesting depth.

Simple example

{ The FormatString allows you to use special %-markers to
  designate where to insert Args items.
     @item(%s inserts a string)
     @item(%d inserts an integer)
     @item(%% inserts % character)
   ) }
function Format(const FormatString: string; const Args: array of const): string;

Definition list

You can create definition lists in a similar manner. In a definition list, every item consists of a pair: item label and item description. @definitionList tag defines a definition list. Within @definitionList, you can only put @itemLabel and @item tags. @itemLabel defines a label for a given item and @item tag defines a description for the item (that is associated with preceeding @itemLabel).

Just as with @orderedList and @unorderedList, list may contain any number of items, including zero.

Within @item and @itemLabel tags you can freely put any content, including other pasdoc tags.

You are expected to 1st specify @itemLabel for first item, then @item for first item, then @itemLabel for second item, then @item for second item and so on. You are allowed to omit @itemLabel or @item for some items if you want, then an item without a label or without a description will be added to definition list.

Simple example

{ In this game, there are various types of items:
    @itemLabel(Usable, always)
    @item(Typical items that are used. Scrolls, potions, books etc.
      You should override this method to define what
      happens when player uses this item.)

    @itemLabel(Usable, but only when equipped)
    @item(Items that can be used but must be equipped first. E.g.
      magic staffs. You should override this method and check for
      @link(IsEquipped) inside.)

    @itemLabel(Not usable)
    @item(Items that can't be used.
      Don't override this method, default implementation in this
      class will raise an exception.)
procedure Use;

Compacting the look of a list

In addition to @item (and @itemLabel) tags, you can also use @itemSpacing tag within @orderedList, @unorderedList and @definitionList tags. @itemSpacing gives a hint (which may be ignored in some pasdoc output formats) about how given list should look like.

There are only two allowed parameters for @itemSpacing:

  1. Paragraph means that vertical space between two list items should be like a space between two paragraphs. This is the default behaviour, so you should rarely need to specify this.

  2. Compact means that vertical space between two list items should be like a space between two consecutive lines. So you should use @itemSpacing(Compact) within lists where you know that each item is something short (e.g. only a few words) --- such lists may look better when vertical space between each item is small.

It doesn’t matter where exactly you place @itemSpacing, as long as it’s directly within some @xxxList tag. I.e. you can place @itemSpacing before the first list item, you can place it after the last list item, or anywhere between two list items. You can specify @itemSpacing multiple times within the same list --- only the last occurence of @itemSpacing will take effect.

Simple example

{ You can eat various fruits:
  ) }
procedure EatFruit(Fruit: Integer);

Actually, we could use TagsParametersWithoutParenthesis feature and just omit some parenthesis from example above:

{ You can eat various fruits:
    @itemSpacing Compact
    @item Apples
    @item Oranges
    @item Bananas
  ) }
procedure EatFruit(Fruit: Integer);

Reset list numbering

You can use @itemSetNumber(NEW-NUMBER) tag within @orderedList to change the number of the next list @item.

Simple example

{ @orderedList(
    @item Blah
    @item Blah
    @itemSetNumber 10
    @item Blah
    @item Blah
  ) }

This will produce the list with four items "Blah" numbered 1, 2, 10, 11.

More complicated example