Wanted Features (old TODOs)

This page grew into a large collection of wanted features, with wildly varying chances of being actually tackled by a developer. Although we tried to manage it, it’s not organized properly enough.

Please report new wanted features to the GitHub issues, not by editing this page.

List of wanted features:

  • Parse TODO items and save them in a table in a separate file similar to AllVariables.html, AllTypes.html, etc.

  • Support for the ampersand operator

    The ampersand operator can be used to distinguish between keywords and identifiers

    MichalisKamburelis answer: Patches for ampersand operator are welcome :) — it should be easy by modifying only PasDoc_Tokenizer sources.

  • Additional special tags and more

    I’m using a wide range of several documents processors (JavaDoc, CppDoc, Doxygen ect.) for different languages. One common thing uniting these programs is their ability to describe more informations about the document, its relationship to the whole API ect. To make it short: I’m missing special tags like @version and @since. Both tags are commonly in use and should be introduced to PasDoc. It’s very hard to find out when a unit ect. had been introduced to the API or had been changed in depth without such tags. Such informations including @author should appear at the top of the page and not at the bottom.

  • Comment grouping
    Would it be possible to set a command line option for PasDoc to group related identifiers that are documented by one comment:

    //Similar Procedures
    procedure ProcA1;
    procedure ProcA2;
    procedure ProcA3;
    //Another Set of Similar Procedures
    procedure ProcB1;
    procedure ProcB2;
    procedure ProcB3;

    My main reasoning is that each procedure does not necessarily require individual documentation and it would be helpful if one comment caused them to be grouped together in the HTML output. Just a thought.

    MichalisKamburelis: I fully agree and I plan to do this by @groupBegin, @groupEnd tags. See the preliminary ideas on my homepage: MichalisKamburelis . I don’t think that we can do it without any @-tags (like your example), because this would tend to group too many things.

    I [DoDi] agree2, and suggest a more flexible system for grouping and nesting related items together. It should extend the currently fixed item classification, in e.g. classes with fields/methods/properties, or units with constants/variables/procedures. Every "container" (unit, CIO, enum) should have one complete list of all members (for link resolution), and any number of sub-lists, which can be built by the parser, "linker", or by the generators, based on tags or kind of scripts.

    I think that an empty line can be assumed as the end of grouped of identifiers to avoid implementing a any new tag. This is a common way of groupping related/overrided identifiers. Also if a comment precedes a block (for example const or var) it is related to all elements in the group.

  • "support to format multiple return values"
    It would be really nice if @returns(…​) could output return codes and descriptions in a more structured way - like the @params tag already does. Most intuivie way would be to allow more @returns tags for a single method, i.e. @returns(S_OK if successful) and @returns(E_FAIL if an error occured). S_OK and E_FAIL should be formated as 'label' of the return code and all following words are the description.

    MichalisKamburelis: Seems like a good idea. But for backward compatibility, new tag should be named different, like @returnsValue. Old @returns with old behavior should stay.

    No problem, when the Result is treated like a parameter or any other (local) variable. The parser can provide all required (type) information, that only must be evaluated appropriately by the generators.

  • WantedFeaturesDocBook output

  • use a Delphi project (.dpr) file as input and process all files listed there

  • Delphi IDE-Plugin to build documentation for the current editor window on the fly and display it (should work great using the caching algorithm)

  • Delphi IDE-Plugin to show the documentation of a unit on a separate tab page of the editor window with clickable links to the actual implementation. (Yes, I am dreaming ;-) )

  • optionally calculate correct line numbers and put those into the output

  • make caching work properly by putting the unit file’s timestamp into the cache file and comparing it with the current on-disk timestamp. This should also expire any units that use this unit (which will automatically reparse descendent classes of classes in this unit that are defined in other units).

    implemented half of this (expires units, but not units that need the expired unit)

    implementing re-parsing is harder than it appears because units are not parsed in dependency order

  • ship files with defines from Delphi, Kylix and FPC (maybe even GPC) for different platforms.

    If someone wrote his source code, then he already knows about the defines that he used (and that may be relevant to pass to pasdoc). In other words: It’s a job of compiler writers to document what symbols are automatically defined by their compilers. After a programmer already wrote a source code using such-and-such compiler defines, this programmer already knows about these defines…​ So these files would only be useful as a comfortable daya for people too lazy to grep their own sources for $ifdef :) On the practical side: making such files complete is almost impossible, because each compiler/compiler mode/OS/processor/etc. results in a different set of defines, and it’s tiresome to document them all (and maintain such documentation to keep it up-to-date with new compiler versions!). That said: if someone really wants to take a shot at preparing such files, go on, you are welcome to add them to this wiki. If you will do it well, we will include them in pasdoc. – MichalisKamburelis

  • ability to deal with files that have the same name but are in different directories. How does one distinguish those without having search paths?

  • ability to link external documentation that was created by PasDoc (some mapping file class/function → html file must exist for this)

  • Generating Labels and URL in Graphviz files to link images classes files in HTML (or HTML Help). Look How to do in Clinet-side image map. With this feature, it’s possible to navigate in units/classes doc from graph! –GarfieldFr

    I started doing this, now in GVClasses.dot and GVUses.dot graph nodes have proper href= attribute. So we can process them with

    dot -Tcmapx GVUses.dot dot -Tcmapx GVClasses.dot

    Now we have to use output of above calls from dot inside HTML files, like GVClasses.html and GVUses.html, and we will have client-side image maps assigned to graphviz images. This would require automatically calling dot program – this indeed should be done, I’ll have to investigate how to implement it nicely, so that pasdoc will not fail if dot can’t be executed. This should also remove some mess with four CommandLine required to use graphviz – only two CommandLine options shoud be needed for this. Also, you can process files to svg format, then you will have links included directly in svg file, and then we don’t have to make client-side maps in HTML at all. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any WWW browser that fully supports svg (allowing user to follow URLs from nodes) at this time…​ But pasdoc should not lose the possibility of using svg instead of some pixel-based format of images. – MichalisKamburelis

  • It would be nice to have an Include directive able to include ASCI text, images or html in a point of a code comment. It would be very nice if this include directive also could build the name of the file to include by some kind of rule to the name of the class (include ModelMaker exported diagrams).

    MichalisKamburelis: For me, this splits to a couple of sensible requests:

    • Done I think that for including images, we should create new pasdoc tag, like @image(filename).

    • Done For including text at the point of description, it could be useful to create a tag like @include(filename). Given file would be always interpreted as being written using normal pasdoc descriptions syntax (@-tags are interpreted, empty line means a paragraph, user can always use @html / @latex tags to force direct markup etc. – just like IntroductionAndConclusion content).

    • Then we can allow user to use @classname, @name and similar tags as part of filename. E.g. @include(@classname.txt) before a class TStream would be equivalent to @include(TStream.txt).

  • Block "exclude tag" which allow exclude block of variables, constants, procedures from documentation. In some case is hard to write @exclude many time. I thing that tag as "@exclude_start" …​ …​ …​ "@exclude_end" will be useful.

    Seems fine for me. Although I think that names should be @excludebegin and @excludeend (because begin/end pair is familiar to Pascal programmers, and we shouldn’t use _ in the middle of the tag because 1. currently we don’t allow _ in the middle of tag, so e.g. @name_some works 2. we have @classname instead of @class_name 3. in general Pascal programmers don’t use _, they rather use CamelCase, so people would be more comfortable to write @excludeBegin and @excludeEnd than @exclude_begin and @exclude_end). – MichalisKamburelis

  • Allow tag expansion in another tag. For expamle: Parent for this class is @link(@inherited)

    Note that this is already done in many cases, i.e. tags are expanded within other tags, e.g. you can use other @-tags inside tags @code, @raises, @returns, @bold, @italic, @abstract…​ However it’s indeed not done for @link tag yet. That’s because current expansion of @inherited and @name and such wouldn’t be suitable for @link tag (because @inherited and @name add some presentational tags around returned name). As for your example, @link(@inherited) is not needed, you can already write just @inherited, this already produces a linked name. But indeed writing things like @link(@inherited.MethodName) would be a nice feature to have. So I agree with this request, this should be made possible. Moreover, some request above (see @image and @include tag) also could use of this feature. – MichalisKamburelis

  • Make multi-line //< comments glob together like // coments do. Or even a //< line followed by multiple // lines.

    The //< followed by // lines cannot be glued together – lines // are supposed to be attached to the next item. So

    procedure Item1; //< Description of Item1.
    // Description of Item2.
    procedure Item2;

    must be parsed correctly. That said, glueing multiple adjacent //< lines is sensible. Patches to implement this are welcome. – MichalisKamburelis

  • One item which would add a lot of value to PasDoc would be to include a means of documenting the functions/procedures that can be called on a particular class. atm, PasDoc will list all functions/procedures that a particular class introduces - but there’s no way of finding out what it’s really capable of. For example, if you have:

      TClassOne = class(TComponent)
        function MethodBase(): integer;
      TClassTwo = class(TClassOne)
        function MethodSubclass(): integer;

    The page for TClassTwo will list "MethodSubclass", but give no indication that "MethodBase" can also be called on this subclass. This makes working with PasDoc's output a lot more difficult than it needs to be; in order to find out what methods you can call on a particular class involves looking at the documentation for that class, then the parent class, then that parent’s class…​ It would be extremely useful if a layout similar to that which Delphi’s help file offers would be implemented as an option, which would give an at-a-glace view of what any given class offers.