Configuration file for command-line options


Use special @<path-to-file> CommandLine option to make pasdoc read options from file. This is similar to how FPC allows specifying config files.

For example:

pasdoc @my-config-file.txt myuni1.pas


  • There could be any number of @<path-to-file> options and they could be freely mixed with other options thus allowing flexible customization. The rule is simple: every @<path-to-file> option is replaced by the contents of the file.

  • Config file must contain one option per line. Examples are below.

  • Format is name[=value] where

    • name is a long option name just like in the command line but without leading dashes (short names are not accepted, to force the file to be more readable).

    • value is an option value (if an option requires it). Do not "quote" values with spaces (we do not recognize apostrophe or double-quote as a special character in the config file, it would instead be included within the value).

  • Option values inside config file can contain macros that are replaced with actual values. Currently we only support one macro:

    • $CFG_PATH - directory of current config file without trailing path separator. This allows linking to a file relative to the config file directory. For example: auto-link-exclude=$CFG_PATH\autolink-exclude.txt


Examples of config file contents.


title=My super project

Not correct

no-macro auto-link          // two options per line
--markdown                  // leading dashes
title="My super project"    // value is quoted. Quotes will be considered as a part of the title
output html                 // no `=` character between name and value
D=MSWINDOWS                 // only long option names allowed