
PasDoc is called like

pasdoc <options> <parameters>

where <parameters> are the files to process and <options> is a combination of directives from the following list.

Please note that the short single-letter version is case-sensitive. Defaults are in brackets.

-?, --help

Show pasdoc help text: pasdoc version and short summary of available command-line options. Pretty much something like this wiki page you’re reading now.


Show pasdoc version (and related info)

-v, --verbosity

Set log verbosity (0-6) [2]

-D, --define

Define conditional

-d, --conditionals

Read conditionals from this file

-R, --description

Read description from this file

-I, --include

Include search path

-S, --source

Read source filenames from file, - (single dash) means standard input.


Read Contents for HtmlHelp output format from file

-N, --name

Project name. This determines output documentation filename (only if documentation format is not HTML)

-T, --title

Documentation title

-H, --header, -F, --footer

Add HTML content to the header or footer of every page

--html-head, --html-body-begin, --html-body-end

Add HTML content to the <head> or around the pasdoc content (after <body>, before </body>)

-O, --format

Output format:

-E, --output

Specify output path

-X, --exclude-generator

Exclude generator information


Show creation time in the output

-L, --language

Set output language


Parse only {**, (*** and //** style comments


Parse only {<marker>, (*<marker> and //<marker> comments. Overrides the staronly option, which is a shortcut for --marker=**.


Do not require the markers given in --marker but remove them from the comment if they exist.


Causes the html generator to create numeric filenames

-M, --visible-members

Include / Exclude class Members by visiblity


Write uses list of a unit into output


Write a file that can be used for the dot program from GraphViz to generate a unit dependency graph


Add a link to the GVUses to the overview frame


Write a file that can be used for the dot program from GraphViz to generate a class hierarchy graph


Add a link to GVClasses to the overview frame


Abbreviation file, format is "[name] value", value is trimmed, lines that do not start with [ (or whitespace before that) are ignored


Enable aspell, give language as parameter


When spell-checking, ignore the words in that file. The file should contain one word on every line


Cache directory for parsed files (default not set)


How multipart links (like @link(Unit.Procedure)) look like in output


Obsolete name for --link-look=full option.


Automatically deduce @abstract description of item from 1st sentence of it’s full description


Use the code of your cascading style sheet in replacement of default one.


Use tipue search engine in HTML output.


Specifies what groups of items are sorted.


Specify the name of a text file to use as introduction in your documentation.


Specify the name of a text file to use as conclusion in your documentation.


Specify the name of a text file that should be inserted into the preamble of a LaTeX file.


How pasdoc should handle class members within default class visibility.


Turn FPC macro support off.


Automatically turn your identifiers into links, without the need to enclose them in @link tag.


Fine-tune the --auto-link behavior: Prevent automatic linking for the specified identifiers.


Ignore some leading characters from comment lines.


Define hierarchy of classes not included in your source code, for more complete class tree diagrams.


Automatically assign a // comment without a special marker to the preceding identifier on the same line.


Parse Markdown syntax in the comments. This allows to specify various formatting options without writing tags, which sometimes looks much more readable.


Read options from file.


Scan implementation section of a unit in addition to default interface section.

Confused? Maybe some Examples can help.