--auto-back-comments command-line option

Use --auto-back-comments to automatically assign a // comment to the preceding identifier on the same line.

For example this will be parsed in a correct way if you call pasdoc with --auto-back-comments:

  Foo: Integer; // Documentation of Foo
  Bar: Integer; // Documentation of Bar
  Xyz: Integer;

Without the --auto-back-comments, PasDoc follows the rule documented at Where To Place Comments, which admittedly results in un-intuitive behavior for the above example: a comment is by default assigned to the following (not preceding) identifier, so Documentation of Foo would be used for Bar. You have to mark the comment with additional < character to make it work without the --auto-back-comments option:

  Foo: Integer; //< Documentation of Foo
  Bar: Integer; //< Documentation of Bar
  Xyz: Integer;