All Identifiers

Name Unit Description
AllChars PasDoc_Utils


AllSortSettings PasDoc_SortSettings


AllVisibilities PasDoc_Items


CfgMacroCfgPath PasDoc_OptionParser

Special substitution that, if found inside a config file, will be replaced with actual path of the file

CIONonHierarchy PasDoc_Items


CIORecordType PasDoc_Items


CombinePaths PasDoc_Utils

Combines BasePath with RelPath.




Nice compiler name.

ConsoleWidth PasDoc_OptionParser

Width of console

CopyFile PasDoc_Utils


CP_UTF16 PasDoc_Types

Windows Unicode code page ID

CP_UTF16Be PasDoc_Types


CP_UTF32 PasDoc_Types


CP_UTF32Be PasDoc_Types


DataToFile PasDoc_Utils


DefaultPasdocCss PasDoc_GenHtml


DefaultVisibilities PasDoc_Items








DefLongOptionString PasDoc_OptionParser

default long option string used

DefShortOptionChar PasDoc_OptionParser

default short option character used

DeleteFileExt PasDoc_Utils

Remove from the FileName the last extension (including the dot).

EAnchorAlreadyExists PasDoc_Items


EInternalParserError PasDoc_Parser

Raised when an impossible situation (indicating bug in pasdoc) occurs.

EInvalidCacheFileVersion PasDoc_Serialize


EInvalidIfCondition PasDoc_Scanner


EInvalidSortSetting PasDoc_SortSettings


EmptyRawDescriptionInfo PasDoc_Items


EPasDoc PasDoc_Types


ESerializedException PasDoc_Serialize


ETokenizerStreamEnd PasDoc_Scanner


ExtractFirstWord PasDoc_Utils

Extracts all characters up to the first white-space encountered (ignoring white-space at the very beginning of the string) from the string specified by S.

ExtractFirstWord PasDoc_Utils

Another version of ExtractFirstWord.

FileToString PasDoc_Utils


FlagEndSigns PasDoc_Utils


FlagStartSigns PasDoc_Utils

Flag Start- and Endsigns for parameters (Feature request "direction of parameter":

GlueNameParts PasDoc_Types

Simply concatenates all NameParts with dot.

HighCreatedOverviewFile PasDoc_Gen


IDfromLanguage PasDoc_Languages

Search for language by short or long name

InfoMergeTypeStr PasDoc_Items


IsCharInSet PasDoc_Utils


IsCharInSet PasDoc_Utils


IsEmpty PasDoc_StringVector


IsLeadChar PasDoc_Utils


IsPathAbsolute PasDoc_Utils

Check is the given Path absolute.

IsPathAbsoluteOnDrive PasDoc_Utils

Just like IsPathAbsolute, but on Windows accepts also paths that specify full directory tree without drive letter.

IsPrefix PasDoc_Utils

Checks is Prefix a prefix of S.

IsStrEmptyA PasDoc_Utils

string empty means it contains only whitespace

IsUtf8LeadByte PasDoc_Utils


IsUtf8TrailByte PasDoc_Utils


KeyWordArray PasDoc_Tokenizer

all Object Pascal keywords

KeyWordByName PasDoc_Tokenizer

Checks is Name (case ignored) some Pascal standard directive.

LanguageCode PasDoc_Languages

Language code, using an official standardardized language names, suitable for Aspell or HTML.

LanguageDescriptor PasDoc_Languages


LanguageFromID PasDoc_Languages


LanguageFromIndex PasDoc_Languages

Full language name

LanguageFromStr PasDoc_Languages

Find a language with Syntax = S (case ignored).

lgDefault PasDoc_Languages


LowCreatedOverviewFile PasDoc_Gen

Using High(TCreatedOverviewFile) or High(Overview) where Overview: TCreatedOverviewFile in PasDoc_GenHtml produces internal error in FPC 2.0.0.

Main PasDoc_Main

This is the main procedure of PasDoc, it does everything.

MakeMethod PasDoc_Utils

creates a "method pointer"

MaxNameParts PasDoc_Types


MAX_BUFSIZE PasDoc_StreamUtils



maximum number of streams we can recurse into; first one is the unit stream, any other stream an include file; current value is 32, increase this if you have more include files recursively including others

MethodTypeToString PasDoc_Items

Returns lowercased keyword associated with given method type.

MIN_BUFSIZE PasDoc_StreamUtils


NewStringCardinalTree PasDoc_HierarchyTree


NewStringVector PasDoc_StringVector


ObjectVectorIsNilOrEmpty PasDoc_ObjectVector


OneNamePart PasDoc_Types

Simply returns an array with Length = 1 and one item = S.

OptionFileChar PasDoc_OptionParser

Marks "include config file" option

OptionIndent PasDoc_OptionParser

Indentation of option's name from the start of console line

OptionSep PasDoc_OptionParser

Separator between option's name and explanation

OverviewFilesInfo PasDoc_Gen


PASDOC_DATE PasDoc_Versions

Date of last pasdoc release.


Returns pasdoc name, version, used compiler version, etc.



PASDOC_NAME PasDoc_Versions






PFakeArray PasDoc_Hashes


PHashEntry PasDoc_Hashes


PLanguageRecord PasDoc_Languages

language descriptor

PPHashEntry PasDoc_Hashes


PRawDescriptionInfo PasDoc_Items


PTransTable PasDoc_Languages


RawByteString PasDoc_Types


Register PasDoc_Reg

Registers the PasDoc components into the IDE.

RemoveIndentation PasDoc_Utils

Remove common indentation (whitespace prefix) from a multiline string.

RemovePrefix PasDoc_Utils

If IsPrefix(Prefix, S), then remove the prefix, otherwise return unmodifed S.

RTransTable PasDoc_Languages

array holding the translated strings, or empty for default (English) text.

SAppendPart PasDoc_Utils

If S = '' then returns NextPart, else returns S + PartSeparator + NextPart.

SCharIs PasDoc_Utils

Comfortable shortcut for Index <= Length(S) and S[Index] in Chars.

SCharIs PasDoc_Utils

Comfortable shortcut for Index <= Length(S) and S[Index] = C.

SCharsReplace PasDoc_Utils

Returns S with all Chars replaced by ReplacementChar

SEnding PasDoc_Utils

SEnding returns S contents starting from position P.

SortSettingFromName PasDoc_SortSettings


SortSettingNames PasDoc_SortSettings

Must be lowercase.

SortSettingsToName PasDoc_SortSettings

Comma-separated list

SplitNameParts PasDoc_Types

Splits S, which can be made of any number of parts, separated by dots (Delphi namespaces, like PasDoc.Output.HTML.TWriter.Write).

StandardDirectiveArray PasDoc_Tokenizer

Object Pascal directives

StandardDirectiveByName PasDoc_Tokenizer

Checks is Name (case ignored) some Pascal keyword.

StrCountCharA PasDoc_Utils

count occurences of AChar in AString

StreamReadLine PasDoc_StreamUtils


StreamWriteLine PasDoc_StreamUtils

Write AString contents, then LineEnding to AStream

StreamWriteString PasDoc_StreamUtils

Just write AString contents to AStream

StringReplaceChars PasDoc_Utils

Returns S with each char from ReplacementArray[].cChar replaced with ReplacementArray[].sSpec.

StringToFile PasDoc_Utils


StripHtml PasDoc_Utils

Strip HTML elements from the string.

StrPosIA PasDoc_Utils

Position of the ASub in AString.

Swap16Buf PasDoc_Utils


SymbolNames PasDoc_Tokenizer

Symbols as strings.

SyntaxFromID PasDoc_Languages


SyntaxFromIndex PasDoc_Languages

Language abbreviation

TAnchorItem PasDoc_Items


TAspellProcess PasDoc_Aspell

This is a class to interface with aspell through pipe.

TBaseItem PasDoc_Items

This is a basic item class, that is linkable, and has some RawDescription.

TBaseItems PasDoc_Items

Container class to store a list of TBaseItems.

TBoolOption PasDoc_OptionParser

simple boolean option

TBufferedStream PasDoc_StreamUtils


TBytes PasDoc_Types


TCharReplacement PasDoc_Utils


TCharSet PasDoc_Types


TCIOType PasDoc_Items

enumeration type to determine type of TPasCio item

TClassDirective PasDoc_Items


TCreatedOverviewFile PasDoc_Gen


TDirectiveType PasDoc_Scanner

All directives a scanner is going to regard.

TDocGenerator PasDoc_Gen

basic documentation generator object

TExternalItem PasDoc_Items

TExternalItem extends TBaseItem to store extra information about a project.

TExternalItemList PasDoc_Items

TExternalItemList extends TObjectVector to store non-nil instances of TExternalItem

TFakeArray PasDoc_Hashes

in FPC, I can simply use PPHashEntry as an array of PHashEntry - Delphi doesn't allow that.

TGenericHTMLDocGenerator PasDoc_GenHtml

generates HTML documentation

THash PasDoc_Hashes


THashEntry PasDoc_Hashes


THintDirective PasDoc_Items


THintDirectives PasDoc_Items


THTMLDocGenerator PasDoc_GenHtml

Right now this is the same thing as TGenericHTMLDocGenerator.

THTMLHelpDocGenerator PasDoc_GenHtmlHelp


TImplicitVisibility PasDoc_Types

See command-line option --implicit-visibility documentation at []

TInfoMergeType PasDoc_Items

Type of merging intf section and impl section metadata of an item

TIntegerOption PasDoc_OptionParser

Integer option

TipueAddFiles PasDoc_Tipue

Adds some additional files to html documentation, needed for tipue engine.

TipueSearchButton PasDoc_Tipue

Put this at a place where Tipue button should appear.

TipueSearchButtonHead PasDoc_Tipue

Put this in <head> of every page with search button.

TItemParseMode PasDoc_Parser


TKeyword PasDoc_Tokenizer


TLanguageID PasDoc_Languages

An enumeration type of all supported languages

TLanguageRecord PasDoc_Languages


TLinkContext PasDoc_Gen

This is used by TDocGenerator.MakeItemLink

TLinkLook PasDoc_Gen


TListData PasDoc_Gen

Collected information about @xxxList content.

TListItemData PasDoc_Gen

Collected information about @xxxList item.

TListItemSpacing PasDoc_Gen


TListType PasDoc_Gen


TMethodType PasDoc_Items

Methodtype for TPasMethod

TNameParts PasDoc_Types

This represents parts of a qualified name of some item.

TNonSelfTag PasDoc_TagManager


TObjectHash PasDoc_Hashes


TObjectVector PasDoc_ObjectVector


TokenCommentTypes PasDoc_Tokenizer



Names of the token types.

TOption PasDoc_OptionParser

abstract base class for options

TOptionParser PasDoc_OptionParser

OptionParser — instantiate one of these for commandline parsing

TOverviewFile PasDoc_Gen

Overview files that pasdoc generates for multiple-document-formats like HTML (see TGenericHTMLDocGenerator).

TOverviewFileInfo PasDoc_Gen


TOwnerItemType PasDoc_Parser


TParser PasDoc_Parser

Parser class that will process a complete unit file and all of its include files, regarding directives.

TPasCio PasDoc_Items

Extends TPasItem to store all items in a class / an object, e.g. fields.

TPasCioHelper PasDoc_Parser

TPasCioHelper stores a CIO reference and current state.

TPasCioHelperStack PasDoc_Parser

A stack of TPasCioHelper objects currently used to parse nested classes and records

TPasConstant PasDoc_Items

Pascal constant.

TPasDoc PasDoc_Base

The main object in the pasdoc application; first scans parameters, then parses files.

TPasDocLanguages PasDoc_Languages

Language class to hold all translated strings

TPasDocMessageEvent PasDoc_Types


TPasDocMessageType PasDoc_Types


TPasEnum PasDoc_Items

Enumerated type.

TPasFieldVariable PasDoc_Items

Pascal global variable or field or nested constant of CIO.

TPasItem PasDoc_Items

This is a TBaseItem descendant that is always declared inside some Pascal source file.

TPasItemNode PasDoc_HierarchyTree


TPasItems PasDoc_Items

Container class to store a list of TPasItems.

TPasMethod PasDoc_Items

This represents:

  1. global function/procedure,

  2. method (function/procedure of a class/interface/object),

  3. pointer type to one of the above (in this case Name is the type name).

TPasMethods PasDoc_Items

Collection of methods.

TPasNestedCios PasDoc_Items

Collection of classes / records / interfaces.

TPasProperties PasDoc_Items

Collection of properties.

TPasProperty PasDoc_Items


TPasType PasDoc_Items

Pascal type (but not a procedural type — these are expressed as TPasMethod.)

TPasTypes PasDoc_Items

Collection of types.

TPasUnit PasDoc_Items

extends TPasItem to store anything about a unit, its constants, types etc.; also provides methods for parsing a complete unit.

TPasUnits PasDoc_Items

Collection of units.

TPathListOption PasDoc_OptionParser

pathlist option

TProcessLineTalk PasDoc_ProcessLineTalk

This is a subclass of TProcess that allows to easy "talk" with executed process by pipes (read process stdout/stderr, write to process stdin) on a line-by-line basis.

Translation PasDoc_Languages

Manual translation of id into lang

TRawDescriptionInfo PasDoc_Items

Raw description, in other words: the contents of comment before given item.

TRawDescriptionInfoList PasDoc_Parser

TRawDescriptionInfoList stores a series of TRawDescriptionInfos.

TRowData PasDoc_Gen

Collected information about @row (or @rowHead).

TScanner PasDoc_Scanner

This class scans one unit using one or more TTokenizer objects to scan the unit and all nested include files.

TSerializable PasDoc_Serialize


TSerializableClass PasDoc_Serialize


TSetOption PasDoc_OptionParser

useful for making a choice of things

TSimpleXMLDocGenerator PasDoc_GenSimpleXML


TSortSetting PasDoc_SortSettings


TSortSettings PasDoc_SortSettings


TSpellingError PasDoc_Aspell


TStandardDirective PasDoc_Tokenizer


TStandardDirectives PasDoc_Tokenizer


TStringArray PasDoc_Types


TStringCardinalTree PasDoc_HierarchyTree


TStringConverter PasDoc_TagManager


TStringOption PasDoc_OptionParser

String option

TStringOptionList PasDoc_OptionParser

stringlist option

TStringPair PasDoc_StringPairVector


TStringPairVector PasDoc_StringPairVector

List of string pairs.

TStringVector PasDoc_StringVector


TSwitchOptions PasDoc_Scanner

an array of boolean values, index type is TUpperCaseLetter

TSymbolType PasDoc_Tokenizer

enumeration type that provides all types of symbols; each symbol's name starts with SYM_

TTableData PasDoc_Gen

Collected information about @table.

TTag PasDoc_TagManager


TTagAllowedInsideEvent PasDoc_TagManager


TTagExecuteEvent PasDoc_TagManager


TTagManager PasDoc_TagManager


TTagOption PasDoc_TagManager


TTagOptions PasDoc_TagManager


TTagVector PasDoc_TagManager

All Items of this list must be non-nil TTag objects.

TTexDocGenerator PasDoc_GenLatex

generates latex documentation

TTextReader PasDoc_ProcessLineTalk

TTextReader reads given Stream line by line.

TToken PasDoc_Tokenizer

Stores the exact type and additional information on one token.

TTokenizer PasDoc_Tokenizer

Converts an input TStream to a sequence of TToken objects.

TTokenType PasDoc_Tokenizer

enumeration type that provides all types of tokens; each token's name starts with TOK_.

TTopLevelTag PasDoc_TagManager


TTranslationID PasDoc_Languages

An enumeration type of all static output texts.

TTryAutoLinkEvent PasDoc_TagManager


TUpperCaseLetter PasDoc_Scanner

subrange type that has the 26 lower case letters from a to z

TValueOption PasDoc_OptionParser

base class for all options that values

TVisibilities PasDoc_Items


TVisibility PasDoc_Items

Visibility of a field/method.

UnicodeString PasDoc_Types


Utf8Size PasDoc_Utils


VisibilitiesToStr PasDoc_Items

Returns VisibilityStr for each value in Visibilities, delimited by commas.

VisibilityStr PasDoc_Items


VisToStr PasDoc_Items


WhiteSpace PasDoc_Utils

Any whitespace (that may indicate newline or not)

WhiteSpaceNL PasDoc_Utils

Whitespace that is some part of newline.

WhiteSpaceNotNL PasDoc_Utils

Whitespace that is not any part of newline.

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.