Class TSimpleXMLDocGenerator



type TSimpleXMLDocGenerator = class(TDocGenerator)


No description available, ancestor TDocGenerator description follows

basic documentation generator object

This abstract object will do the complete process of writing documentation files. It will be given the collection of units that was the result of the parsing process and a configuration object that was created from default values and program parameters. Depending on the output format, one or more files may be created (HTML will create several, Tex only one).




Protected function CodeString(const s: string): string; override;
Protected function ConvertString(const s: string): string; override;
Protected function ConvertChar(c: char): string; override;
Protected procedure WriteUnit(const HL: integer; const U: TPasUnit); override;
Protected procedure WriteExternalCore(const ExternalItem: TExternalItem; const Id: TTranslationID); override;
Protected function FormatSection(HL: integer; const Anchor: string; const Caption: string): string; override;
Protected function FormatAnchor(const Anchor: string): string; override;
Protected function FormatTable(Table: TTableData): string; override;
Protected function FormatList(ListData: TListData): string; override;
Protected function FormatBold(const Text: string): string; override;
Protected function FormatItalic(const Text: string): string; override;
Public procedure WriteDocumentation; override;
Public function GetFileExtension: string; override;



Protected function CodeString(const s: string): string; override;
Protected function ConvertString(const s: string): string; override;
Protected function ConvertChar(c: char): string; override;
Protected procedure WriteUnit(const HL: integer; const U: TPasUnit); override;
Protected procedure WriteExternalCore(const ExternalItem: TExternalItem; const Id: TTranslationID); override;
Protected function FormatSection(HL: integer; const Anchor: string; const Caption: string): string; override;
Protected function FormatAnchor(const Anchor: string): string; override;
Protected function FormatTable(Table: TTableData): string; override;
Protected function FormatList(ListData: TListData): string; override;
Protected function FormatBold(const Text: string): string; override;
Protected function FormatItalic(const Text: string): string; override;
Public procedure WriteDocumentation; override;
Public function GetFileExtension: string; override;

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.