Class TToken
type TToken = class(TObject)
Stores the exact type and additional information on one token.
Data: string; |
the exact character representation of this token as it was found in the input file
Info: record |
additional information on this token as a variant record depending on the token's MyType
CommentContent: string; |
Contents of a comment token. This is defined only when MyType is in TokenCommentTypes or is TOK_DIRECTIVE. This is the text within the comment without comment delimiters. For TOK_DIRECTIVE you can safely assume that CommentContent[1] = '$'.
StringContent: string; |
Contents of the string token, that is: the value of the string literal. D only when MyType is TOK_STRING.
constructor Create(const TT: TTokenType); |
Create a token of and assign the argument token type to MyType
function GetTypeName: string; |
function IsSymbol(const ASymbolType: TSymbolType): Boolean; |
Does MyType is TOK_SYMBOL and Info.SymbolType is ASymbolType ?
function IsKeyWord(const AKeyWord: TKeyWord): Boolean; |
Does MyType is TOK_KEYWORD and Info.KeyWord is AKeyWord ?
function IsStandardDirective( const AStandardDirective: TStandardDirective): Boolean; |
Does MyType is TOK_IDENTIFIER and Info.StandardDirective is AStandardDirective ?
function Description: string; |
Few words long description of this token. Describes MyType and Data (for those tokens that tend to have short Data). Starts with lower letter.
property StreamName: string read FStreamName; |
StreamName is the name of the TStream from which this TToken was read. It is currently used to set TRawDescriptionInfo.StreamName.
property BeginPosition: Int64 read FBeginPosition; |
BeginPosition is the position in the stream of the start of the token. It is currently used to set TRawDescriptionInfo.BeginPosition.
property EndPosition: Int64 read FEndPosition; |
EndPosition is the position in the stream of the character immediately after the end of the token. It is currently used to set TRawDescriptionInfo.EndPosition.
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