Unit PasDoc_OptionParser


The PasDoc_OptionParser unit — easing command line parsing

To use this unit, create an object of TOptionParser and add options to it, each option descends from TOption. Then, call your object's TOptionParser.ParseOptions method and options are parsed. After parsing, examine your option objects.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TOption abstract base class for options
Class TBoolOption simple boolean option
Class TValueOption base class for all options that values
Class TIntegerOption Integer option
Class TStringOption String option
Class TStringOptionList stringlist option
Class TPathListOption pathlist option
Class TSetOption useful for making a choice of things
Class TOptionParser OptionParser — instantiate one of these for commandline parsing


DefShortOptionChar = '-';
DefLongOptionString = '--';
OptionFileChar = '@';
CfgMacroCfgPath = '$CFG_PATH';
OptionIndent = ' ';
OptionSep = ' ';
ConsoleWidth = 80;



DefShortOptionChar = '-';

default short option character used

DefLongOptionString = '--';

default long option string used

OptionFileChar = '@';

Marks "include config file" option

CfgMacroCfgPath = '$CFG_PATH';

Special substitution that, if found inside a config file, will be replaced with actual path of the file

OptionIndent = ' ';

Indentation of option's name from the start of console line

OptionSep = ' ';

Separator between option's name and explanation

ConsoleWidth = 80;

Width of console


Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.